// ***************************************************************************** // Plugin : Mani Admin Plugin // // Filename : crontablist.txt // // Last Updated : 2009/07/21 // // Description : Commands that should be executed at a specific time // ***************************************************************************** // // // Place all your server commands that you want // executed at the start of each map during // specified times of particular days // // The first field defines the days of the week // that the command will be run. If the field // is left as "" the command will be run every day of the week // // Days of the week are // // 1 = Sunday // 2 = Monday // 3 = Tuesday // 4 = Wednesday // 5 = Thursday // 6 = Friday // 7 = Saturday // // To have a command run on Tuesday and Friday use // the day string // // "36" // // For Monday, Wednesday and Saturday use: - // // "247" // // The second field defines the time of day that // the server should run the command and is setup // in the following format "HH:MI-HH:MI" // // Start time to End time // // "09:30-14:10" // // The above time range is from 9.30am to 2:10pm. The time // format MUST be in military 24 hour style, any hours below 10:00 must // start with a preceeding 0 as in 01:00, 02:00, 03:00, you must // not use 1:10 for instance. // // The third field instructs the server the command // to run at the start of each map during that time // period. For example // // "" "09:30-15:10" exec daytime_config.cfg // // The above line will run the command 'exec daytime_config.cfg' // on the start of each map during the time period 09.30 upto and // including 15:10 for every day of the week. // If you only wanted it to run on Monday, Wednesday and Friday // the line would look like // // "246" "09:30-15:10" exec daytime_config.cfg // // The default configuration is to run your command before // any custom map config is run (see map_configs folder) // // If you place a # symbol before the server command it will // be run after any custom map config is exectuted. // // "" "19:00-21:59" #sv_gravity 800 // // The above command will be run from 19:00 to and including // 21:59 each time a map starts but after any custom map configs. // In this case if you have a low grav map that uses a custom map // config to set sv_gravity to say 150. The above command will // override that setting. // // You can have as many entries in this file as you wish. //