// *****************************************************************************
//    Plugin    : Mani Admin Plugin
//   Filename   : voterconlist.txt
// Last Updated : 2009/07/21
// Description  : List to define preset questions which can be answered by
//                Yes / No via pressing a button in game. If the answer is yes,
//                a specified RCon Command will get executed
// *****************************************************************************
// Place all your Yes/No Rcon vote questions and commands in here
// This file uses aliases.
// Aliases are what is shown in the menu system
// a nice way of presenting the commands.
// Aliases must be enclosed in quotes
// E.G. "Low Gravity"
// Do not put another quote inside like :-
// "Low "Gravity""
// The text after the alias is the question that will be asked and must also
// be enclosed in quotes " "
// The text after the question string is the actual command that
// will be run if the result of the vote is 'Yes'

"Low Grav" "Shall we turn on low gravity ?" sv_gravity 150	// Low grav rcon vote
"All Talk On" "Shall we turn on all talk ?" sv_alltalk 1 	// Turn on all talk vote